2022 Australian Federal Election

Shifting to more outcomes-focused, value-based health care requires a government that will: grid of 4 graphic tiles

AHHA has outlined four key areas of reform urgently needed. Shifting to more outcomes-focused, value-based health care requires a government that will:

  • Measure and report what matters, health data needs to accurately reflect care outcomes and be in the right format, timely and of sufficient quality to support decisions within care relationships and inform improvements in performance through all levels of the health system.
  • Provide for a sustainable and resilient health workforce incentivised to achieve person-centred care and meet population health needs.
  • Provide stewardship and support that enables regional innovation and reform to support health services in the shift to outcomes focussed, value-based models of care.
  • Use of mixed, flexible funding models that incentivise improved health outcomes for people and communities, adequately compensate for activity, protect equity, and reward agreed performance standards and outcomes.

Read our full Election Statement below. 

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